Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Technology in the Classroom

What is the school library's role in integrating technology in the classroom? I think that the inclusion of the school library media specialist in the integration plan can ensure that thoughtful implementation occurs so that all staff, teachers and students are successful with the new tools. The library media specialist is trained in classroom strategies, curriculum content and management processes so that you can be assured that when a new technology tool is implemented, library media specialists can use their knowledge to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation. Many times, library media specialists are most familiar with which tools match specific grade levels, student needs and curricular objectives.

Always trying to promote school library media programs, I accepted the opportunity to appear on our county's educational cable channel for a program on Technology in the Classroom. I was interviewed by the Board of Education President, Mr. Chris Barclay. Also interviewed was Sherwin Collette, the Chief Technology Officer for our county.

The show is airing on Comcast Channel 34 during the following days and times:

·         Mondays and Fridays at 11:30am, 6:30pm and 10:30pm
·         Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30am

For those of you not living in Montgomery County, or if you miss the airings, the video is included below. No critiquing my appearance or counting of my "hmmmsss"! Enjoy!
